
Showing posts from October, 2013


Image does seem to fly sometimes! I have been reflecting on the past 5 months that I've been in IL, and all that I have learned, memories I've made, tears I've cried, character I've built....God is just so good and His time is always right! I thought I was just gonna be in IL for a few short summer months, now its almost November and right now I have know idea what the future holds. Sometimes it scary, and I really wish I knew, but it's nice just to see what God will do next and just to wait on Him and try not to worry about it! Because the battle is the Lords and He has it all under control! Oh...sometimes I just wish I had a little (alot) more faith!! But just so you know, I do love my job and I've made wonderful memories here! 7 hours is just a long ways away from your family!! Oh and I made it to 1000 on my Thankfulness list, that I probably started almost a year ago!! It was awesome! I certainly have much to be thankful for!! My latest entries- 1014: thr...