Week 25 | Uganda

Week 25...January, one of the hottest months, but yet it's flu season. Doesn't quite make sense but it happened. Thankful for our natural remedies like papaya leaf tea, ginger, garlic. lemons, & honey.

This week is the last full week that Haylie and I have till the end of February. Which is a very sad thought for all of us. But we are so thankful for the time we've had and memories we've made. 

Earlier this week Elder Willie calls me over quick and says to grab my car keys we have a few things to do and he'll explain on the way. As we're bumping along the rocky road winding back behind the hill he tells me that one of our church members husband has fallen gravely ill and need transport to a nearby hospital. I drive into the neatly swept compound and park Buffy. Inside the small house, lit up by the door and small window that was open, I knelt down and greeted the familiar faces and told them I was happy to see them and we praised God. Over against the wall was a thin mattress where the sick Muzeeyi lay. Limp and silent expect for a few struggling coughs that made it sound like he was drowning. Two other men quickly dress him and I pull the car up by the door and we carry him into the car. I say a prayer as we head down the road for a quick trip, God's healing mercies and comfort on the family. 

Sometimes I forget how unusual my life looks like this side and I forget to thank God for the small blessings that have changed my life forever. Like all the shouts of my name and waves as we drive through the village, carrying 3 mattress on my head with the kids as we move them, helping nurse Sylvia take inventory in the clinic, say funny things just to hear Mama Bridget laugh, watch Haylie and the guys argue about their weight and come barreling into the clinic to weigh themselves, eyes filling with tears as we here the news that the P7 class all passed their test with flying colors and will be moving onto another school, and have a conversation with Shine about who knows what as I take her to go get a banana.  

  This week went by in such a flash, but all of this that happened this week and the various things God has revealed and taught me the past few days I pray will forever be imprinted on my heart. 

My boys, brothers, friends. How I love them. 


Haylie carries kids I carry matooke

Fulfilled my dream and our chocolate chip cookie craving Sunday afternoon by using up the leftover butter and chocolate chips that were brought by our guests last month. Certain ingredients we use carefully and sparingly, and this was certainly worth it.  

These guys. We walked home with them one evening. Sam was going home, Jackson was going to Bukeka town to get his hair cut. And Amos was along because Jackson didn't want to walk back alone. They keep things lively at school and their different personalities bring a daily humor to our lives. So thankful for these brothers in Christ and their friendships.

A favorite spot to sit up behind the school and have some Jesus time with this view is just plain good for the soul sometimes and I don't get here as often as I want to. 

Helped Pastor Issac and Calvin shell their corn. I may or may not have gotten a couple blisters, but the enjoyable conversation made up for the pain. 

And my most recent acquired procession. A Bible in Luganda. So excited to have one of these Holy Books in my hand and hopefully it will help me in my language learning.  


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