He is not here, He is risen!

I just hafta think back to what it would have been like when Jesus arose. What must have people been thinking? I wonder what I would have done. How must of those ladies felt when the angel said to them, "why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen" (luke 24:5-6). How must have Mary felt when she saw that her Lord was not in the grave and then He appeared unto her in the garden? (John 20:11-17) I mean what would have you done? Its not an everyday occasion when somebody rises from their grave! I would hafta say that I would probably be like most of these people, I would have doubted...sure Jesus made mention several times that on the third day He would arise but to actually witness it! It musta been something! But aren't we so thankful that He did arise on that third day, so that He could finish the work that He was sent here to do and then to go back to Heaven to prepare a place for us as He said He would! Now all we hafta do is cling to that hope, that promise that He left us.....that He will return someday. Will He be returning for you??

I just thought I'd share this song, kinda just sums it up. Jesus has conquered death and grave, do we stand here looking for the living among the dead?? Lets REJOICE! HE HAS RISEN!! Praise God!!!
I trust ya'll had a blessed Easter weekend! I know I did, going to church for Easter services, and being together with family Sunday evening, what a blessing it was.


  1. It is easy for me to say "Jesus rose". But to really realize what that means! I have seen people die. I have seen people buried. But I have never seen a dead person come back to life! AMAZING! It is hard to comprehend that kind of AWESOMENESS!


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