In a years time....

It seems like just yesterday I was packing up the last of my things and moving out east to here in Illinois. But folks its been a year. A year this weekend to be exact. Wow!! Yes I can't even believe it myself! But then again, it sometimes seems so long before I get to see my family next. As I reflect on the past 12 months of my life its like crazy! The things that have happened, the things I've missed, the things I've learned, places I've been, new friends I've made, the list could go on and on... But I'll tell you right now I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for my wonderful family and friends and most of all my Awesome God! He has been so faithful to me and has shown me some amazing things! He's surely ALIVE!!! :)

It's been an adjustment and also a wonderful experience moving here. Living somewhat by myself, with my family about 7 hours away, and sometimes not knowing what to do, feeling left out. But at the same time loving my job so much, feeling so happy and blessed I think my heart could burst, having so many plans not knowing what to do, lots of amazing alone time with my God.

One thing that I've really learned and am still learning to do is just to 'let go and let God'. Its not easy, but when I do its so much better. And also just to be thankful in ALL things. I know we talk about a lot, but once you really start being thankful for things you really don't want to be thankful for, and looking at the cup half full instead of half empty, I start to realize that God does have a purpose for me here, and I don't have things really that bad here. You know, I was talking to a wonderful friend of mine who also had moved. But from Indiana to Kansas. But she told to name 5 things I was thankful for in Illinois. Oh boy. JUST 5 little things....and I was like oh dear how can I come up with 5?! Surely over the past year there would be at least 5 things I was thankful for in moving to IL. I think it took me possibly 10 mins to come up with 4. They were: 1. that I know this is where God wants me 2. for the more than amazing friendships I've made 3. my job, I love it 4. that it's not farther away from home.  But the more I thought about it the more ashamed I was, I mean that's terrible for being here a year and that's all I have to say?!? Ouch. (I know Illinois isn't as great as Kansas, but still. lol jk :)) But you know what the more you start thanking God for trials and difficult things, your whole attitude changes, thankfulness just comes like its natural, like its supposed to be!

Another thing I've learned is, its NOT about me its ALL about God and what He wants for my life. Because He knows what He's doing and whats best for me. I don't know about you, but me, sometimes I'm a slow learner. I liked it here, you know like the first few months...but then winter rolls around and its like ok God? why am I still here? I thought this was a summer thing? it seemed like things weren't going very well for me and I was missing my family and I was like just let me go home!! And yes I still feel that way sometimes. But I've finally figured out that God does want me here, He does have a purpose for me. And its going to be wonderful. God has a way all planned out for me and all I have to do it trust and follow Him!! That simple! *sigh* i wonder way I make it so hard for myself?! But thanks be to God for His never ending Love, Grace, and Mercy!

This also brings another thought :) I had been thinking a lot about ‘blooming where I am planted’. Not at all that I don't miss everyone in Kansas and that I don't have hopes of moving back home, because I do! But that I could open up it and let out what God needs me to do here! Because at this point in my life, this is where He has placed me, and I just need to unfurl and ‘bloom’! And now that I’ve actually opened my eyes, there are wonderful people all over to mentor me, be my friend, and people for me to mentor, befriend, and for me to serve and encourage! Everything works out when your leaning and trusting in Jesus! So don’t think you can’t, because you CAN with God. He is so much bigger than any of our problems! So I encourage you all to search out Gods plan for your life, because I know He has an amazing one! And don’t forget to thank Him for it!

Anyway this is  just some jumbled up mess of some happenings and thoughts I had! :) It may or may not make sense! :)
because of Jesus, Leigha

***“Perhaps its time to take Gods hand, let Him lead you onto the ice, and begin to trust that even if you fall, He’ll be there to pick you up”***


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