
No one prepared me for all the emotions, thoughts, and feelings, that coursed through my heart, mind, soul, and struck cords deep inside my inner being, for the 2 weeks I spent on the Ugandan soil.

No one told me 

that sponsoring a child half way across the world would change your life forever,

that meeting a precious 7 year old girl for the first time who calls you mum would leave you at a loss for words, 
how the mighty power of the Nile river could leave you in awe for hours on end,

that walking the red dirt would for miles would make you feel so at home,

how the children's smiles went straight to your heart,

that seeing majestic African animals made you feel so small,

that the village of Bukeka was home to some of the most beautiful humble people I've ever met,

that worshipping and dancing with other believers would make tears stream down your face,
that pumping water from a well for a 4 year old child could bring you so much joy,

that meeting people so in love with Jesus it made you jealous,

how a place thousands of miles from home could make you feel so content and comfortable,

how cooking with 3 small propane and charcoal cookstoves could be so fun,
no matter how many times or how ever annoying it may be, shouts of Mzungu still brought a smile to your face,
that the Ugandan countryside would leave you speechless,
the deep, spiritual, God ordained connections you felt with a people you just met,

that something about Africa would sink so deep in our hearts and not let us go
that leaving Suubi to come home would tear your heart in two.

I was so unprepared me for what an impact this place and these people would have on my life.

It's hard for me to even put into words what I've felt in the past 3 weeks. This trip did something to me that I wish everyone this side could experience. And I know for a fact that is wasn't the place I went, the people I met, what I did while there, or the people I traveled with. (although I couldn't have asked for anything better) But it was all God. He knew I would sponsor a child halfway across the world, and that it would be something so much bigger than just sending money or writing letters every so often. He had it all planned out that when I submitted to His will He would unfold something so beautiful I could hardly comprehend. God works in ways far beyond my wildest dreams and imaginations!

The people here on the other side have a faith so big and a love so deep it makes you feel like you're missing something. It's know wonder their worship turns to dancing and clapping! One of the most beautiful things to me is the unhindered, spirit led worship these people share. Not caring how they look, or what position the spirit drives them. Whether it's jumping up and down, kneeling down with your hands lifted up and tears on your face, or head bowed with your hands on your chest. This. This is what drives me. Give someone a reason to think about and question you about this desire in your heart to explode with worship. Lets love so hard and so fervent that it gives someone a desire to want to know more of  this world changing God. This happened to me while there. Someone I meet while there, who has now become a very dear friend to me. Someone who loves her Jesus so big that no matter what her unbelieving family might say, or what pain her bodily struggles might bring her to. Someone who sings and prays out loud in whatever she may be doing. And one evening she was singing, and part of the song was "I want to love Jesus so much it makes you jealous".  It made me stop and think and to be honest I've thought about it everyday since. Because it did. It made me jealous.  Her relationship with Our creator left me longing for more and more. A deep more passionate love for Him.  And it is my hearts prayer and desire that I could have a love so fervent that through my life and actions it could make us each examine our lives and live a more committed, deeper relationship with Our Jesus! Because after all it's what we are created to do!

Praising God for this incredible trip and the people we had the privilege serving with. It might have been my first time to Africa but I have a hunch it won't be my last. Thanks to everyone who prayed with us and supported us. And I would ask that you would continue to pray for the community of Bukeka and the work that Global Hands of Hope continues to do.  


  1. Beautifully written!!! I've known that feeling of being jealous of another persons close relationship with Christ. It was good to be reminded! It's such a blessing to see the joy others have in Christ and be encouraged to seek him with all our heart!!


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