Are you all prepared?

Are you all prepared? Are you ready to go?  These have been the most frequently asked questions to me recently. It's hard to believe that, the Good Lord willing, I will be back on Ugandan soil in just over a month. It's approaching quickly and most the time I just wish I were there already.  But this time of "waiting" for the departure date has good for my soul. And the more times I am asked those questions the more it has made me really examine and ask them of myself.  Am I prepared?  What else do I need to be doing?  Am I ready to tackle the next 7 months?  I like to think I am. But if we're being honest here, my answer to these questions is no.  Big flat-out NO. It sounds strange maybe to say this when you'll be spending the next 7 months in another country apart from family, friends, and church family, and you say you're not ready to go. My challenge to these questions is; will we ever be prepared for big things?  Are we able to be 100% prepared to be on the mission field? I don't think so. Because if we're all prepared and able to tackle what's ahead of us then why go?  Why would we be called to something if we already have it figured out?  If we were prepared then we wouldn't need the faith to fulfill our calling. I believe that there are going to be things that we will learn and go through, weather they be good or bad circumstances, that I don't think we can just truly prepare for.  I mean if I look back through my life and God would've have told me I was going to be going through X, I probably would've tried to avoid it rather than trusting Him through it.  But now I can look back and see how I have grown through hard situations and God uses them for our good and His Glory.

Maybe I could put it this way, I am preparing myself to be prepared for being unprepared. 

But just to clarify, I am doing some preparations, in the realm of things I can control. :) 

Emotionally, Spiritually, Physically, & Mentally. 
I have done some required reading, pre-missions counseling, gotten certain vaccinations, quit jobs, bought plane tickets, and soaking up a little (or a lot) of vacation time with family and friends. I am so humbled by the amount of support and prayers on my behalf. God has blessed me with a tremendous church community, deeply connected friendships, lifegiving mentors, and a most loving supportive family. Thank you for being a part of this journey. 

Oh and they made it to 25 years this year and are planning on coming to visit me and celebrate over Thanksgiving time!! 

Also, so very excited to have this dear photographer friend join me on the other side in November! Love seeing how God has worked in her life and it will be so wonderful serving together at one of our favorite places. 


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