Week 6 | Uganda

I wish I could capture for you where I'm sitting while typing up this blog post... Its been a relaxing Monday morning for me, which is a nice change from the business from last week. So be ready for a boat load of pictures. :) But this morning I'm having a little free quiet time down at the river. Its quiet and serine, the vegetation is so lush and green, a few fisherman in their hand made boats out on the river, hearing the loud rumble of the rapids not far away, birds and moneys having the time of their life in all the trees, and the clouds slowly gather for a noon day shower. And every once in a while a group of adventures' will float by on their whitewater rafting trip. Which I have yet to do, but is on the top of my list of things to do while here. And for those of you who are wondering, no there are no crocodiles in this part of the river, they are all in the national parks...I think. 

Anyway, this week has been a week for gardening! And when I mention garden, its not like our little family gardens that we have at home. Suubi school has about 7 different "gardens" in which are all different fruits, veggies, and other foods. This week we mainly focused on the potatoes. Like a couple acers of potatoes. But first you have to clear the land, till it up, make heaps, gather all the vines to plant, and then plant the vines. Yes, all by hand. 
 Not sure where we are going in this particular picture, but probably to go pick up more potato vines.
But Hammy has been such a constant friend to me and I couldn't make it through the days without me. (and I doubt she could make it without me either, haha). But when ever I need a little motivation or encouragement she always has some on the tip of her tongue and she can share Jesus like no one else! 
 My trusty car. If it could speak it would have a many story to tell. It been such a life saver to have here. And gets used for many many things. 
 And since on once else can drive, I have become the designated drive for all. 
 Foot path? No problem. When someone has potato vines for we go get them!
 One of so many loads. When you think you can't fit anymore vines you really learn how to stuff a car. And for about 1 left you see, there's about 10 ants to go with it. So that's always interesting. 
 Last year when I was here I had planted a plantain plant, and here is its progress. The fruit is just starting so I think it might be ready in a few more weeks.
 Getting the little vegetable bed ready to plant seeds, which will then be transplanted.
 Its the childrens weekend highlight to help with there garden. And Hammys too. 
 Hammy explaining what to do 
 Planting and covering the seeds
 After they're planted the bed gets covered with a mosquito net to keep out chickens and other things that might disturb the seeds and small plants. 
 Then we water 

 And yes, the jackfruit tasting. My closest and most accurate description is that is smells and taste exactly like a tropical starburst explosion in your mouth. So yes, its delicious. 
 A couple of the cooks making posho for lunch over the open fire.
 One of the truck loads of potato vines headed to the garden
Some of the planted potatoes
 The parents come to help with the work to help pay school fees for their children. 
 Saturday morning story time and a talk with the safe kids before they go home for a quick vacation before the next school term starts.   
 We talked about how they can be an example to their parents and siblings as they go home. We shared different ways they can share the gospel with them and how they can be that example of Christ in their homes. And we also talked about staying pure, to keeping your body as a temple and to not mess up as they go home on break. You starting talking to children here about this at the age of 10. 
And last but not least, my favorite little human. She is such a little stinker and of all the white people she hates, somehow she chose to like me, and we can't figure it out. But I'll take it. :)

And that sums up week 6. I can't believe its already been this long. Things have been going so well, Praise Jesus. Sundays seem to be the hardest days, but it certainly makes me thankful technology these days. I cannot thank everyone enough for all your constant love, prayers, and support. I never have a day where I am cannot feel the love and prayers of my church family and friends.


  1. Oh sweet Leigha.....you are a blessing far and near! Thanks for sharing your life with us 🌎💕 Praying for you....love from Kansas, Diane


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