Week 9 | Uganda

Well I hit my 2 month mark on Sunday! Hard to believe its been that long but some days it seems longer. None the less I think it definitely takes a good 2 months to really adjust and realize your in another place and culture. And now things start to seem normal and the newness begins to wear off and you begin eating things and doing things you might never think of doing when you first come. 

Anyway, my delay in this weeks blog post is because of power. Once you get over one issue it always seem like something else happens. And then you find your self baking a cake in the dark. Sitting in the dark eating a cake. In Africa. And all of the sudden you just die laughing over this very funny realization. So, yes the power went out Saturday afternoon and just now started working again here on Tuesday. 3 days and nights with no power. And on Friday night we had no water. So that night we had to fetch water bring it in and boil it to warm it and use a bucket and small pail to "shower". I do hope our utility struggles are over. 

And for all you who are waiting for the Rodney the rat update: I bring you happy news! Not 1 but 2 rats have ceased living. So Rodney and his other rat friend are no longer!  

I have many favorites, but little David is certainly at the top of the list of favorites!

On Monday we went to the market in Jinja and I told Hammy I wasn't leaving till I found some ice cream in this town, so I took the liberty and treated ourselves. 

Then we came home and it was a rainy afternoon, so I baked some peanut butter cookies. 
I wish someone could explain to me why I've been having this baking thing going on because it was not a common thing for me to bake when I was at home. But maybe it's because I can try to make the foods that make me think of the foods at home...? Who knows. All I know is that this is all very out of the ordinary for me. 

Break time!

One of the women in the craft group we have here at Suubi. It supports women & men living with HIV/AIDS. They make handcrafted things like baskets, jewelry, and mats from using natural resources like plantains, soil, brush & waste paper.

Working on the smile! But it might just be because she was in drivers seats with her favorite Muzungu. :)

Alpa, the head cook stirring up lunch!

On the last Friday of each month the cooks prepare a special meal for the school children. 
I wish I could've captured the delight on their faces when they seen what was for lunch than the usually posho & beans. 
So this month was cassava and a beans sauce. 

Looking for the biggest bowl...

Angel enjoying her food.

It was certainly savored by everyone!

Just a couple little cuties hanging out!

And this. The last Sunday of each month we celebrate that months birthdays at church. I'm still trying to figure out how I got designated to bake this cake for church. But anyway it worked, and it was a success . I think this is the first time I've made a cake without using a box. And I feel very pleased it even turned out. I mean I had non of the correct baking utensils. Using whatever kind of bowl you can find, baking it in a sauce pan in a gas oven. I really can't believe it turned out. I did have a ziploc bag to do the frosting though, so that helped. Also don't tell anyone, I forgot the "r" in birthday...whoops. But you know, I think everyone was just to excited for cake that no one even noticed.  And yes, if you can't tell by the picture, the power was out. I decorated a cake in the dark with my phone flashlight.

Also I do work while I'm here. Sometimes these pictures can be deceiving and looks like I'm just having all the fun. I mean I am having fun, but most of week 9 was spent fixing irrigation tape so we can start irrigating the crops again. And planting grass.


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