Week 17 | Uganda - move mountains
As much as I love my village of Bukeka along the Nile river, the mountains of eastern Uganda do something to a person. I don't know if its the scenery, the beautiful people, or the cool weather. But after spending 3 days that side interacting with a few villages in the Mbale district, coming back home and letting everything sink in, has me thinking deep thoughts that I don't really know what to do with. Everyday I'm posed with the questions in my head; to what purpose am I in Africa, and what exactly is God going to do with all this. Why did He call me among so many? What is it that He wants to teach me in this journey? How am I supposed to share this with the people I can influence? Will this change of the life of someone? How is the Father glorified in my life right now? Like whats going to happen with all this? As I'm studying the book of Zechariah right now, a dear friend made this point: "God has continued to fulfill His Word as He has promised it. I...