Week 16 | Uganda

What a week of adventures! I'll try to remember it all. Monday we came back to Bukeka from Kampala and Tuesday I had a fun day of showing Haylie around Suubi and all the changes around. It's nice to have another muzungu around here. She acquired her Ugandan name- Kabiite- in like the first couple days, so then I finally got mine too, which is Mwatu. Wednesday-Friday we did home visits, 35 of them, which might be the most amazing thing I've been a part of yet. But of course I had to go because I'm the driver around here these days. ;)  

Home visits took us deep into the heart of Uganda as I'd ever been. It was amazing. We drove down "roads" that are basically impassable, asked for directions more times than not, had a couple break downs, slid through mud, may or may not have hit a pile of bricks, and met some amazing people. 

There are a few new babies at school, so one day we went and visited Isaac and Prossy's  new little girl. Absolutely precious! 

When I say the car holds everything, I'm not kidding. Willie's boda was broke down and so we loaded it up in the car, had to leave the boot open, and took it to the mechanic. Then on the way back to school I somehow managed to get stuck. It was bound to happen sometime and I'm surprised that it took this long and has happened more. But thankfully I had 3 guys with me and then pretty 5 more guys showed up and a group of children. It was a little embarrassing I will say, but they unstuck me in know time. So now you have to take the long way to school and the road isn't much better that side either. It's not muddy, but so very very bumpy. 

 Haylie doing her thing at the home visit. But the reason I included this picture is because at this home visit the mother of the home broke down and said she wanted to become a Christian. So she confessed Christ and we prayed with her as she accepted Jesus into her life. What an amazing thing to be a part of. 

Then we got lost as we're trying to find another home and we ended up at the prettiest spot on the river. So we took a break for a bit enjoying the beautiful creation and waded in the water. I don't know if I've seen a more beautiful spot. 

There were no fisherman at this spot but was a place where they collect sand from the river bottom. So we watched them do that for a while. 

Dense areas with their houses always make the best pictures. 

A little hammocking after work one day. Little Tracy was around so she quickly decided that this was her new favorite thing to do. 

Just had to commemorate this photo for a couple reasons. The car had died for the 2nd time, we're at a junction unsure of which way to pass, mud splattered on the windshield from almost getting stuck, and were on the edge of the big Mabira forest. 
We collected our water bottles and filled our car, Buffy, with some water and we were on our way once again. 

When ever we go to a home visit they always give us the best seat in the house, weather it be on a mat on the dirt floor or a makeshift bench they bring outside for us. We are always treated with the upmost kindness, warm smiles and the best hospitality one could ask for. 

The last home we visited was a young single mother with 3 year old boy triplets. After the boys were born her husband left and didn't want anything do with them because of all the work it would be. This woman lives so far away from the main road where she sells a few vegetables that she grows at home to make a living for her and her boys. At 3 years old these boys stay at home by themselves while their mother takes her produce into the village. They seemed pretty well behaved for 3 little youngsters. Although one of them did burn down the kitchen so now they are getting by with a little fire outside. 

Then on Saturday Haylie and I did our first Q&A video that actually went better than I thought! Hopefully it will give you a better idea of what its like this side and more details about some things. Our "short" video ended up taking 20 min and we condensed in down into 10. I guess when one gets talking about things here you kind of get carried away. But anyway enjoy it and send us anymore questions you have or what you want to know more about! 


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