
Sipping on my morning coffee, I am trying to decide  what to call the title of this post. I'm not sure Suffering would be the correct choice, but it's been a common topic round our house lately, I'm not exactly sure why we've been talking about it, but I think it started because our family was talking about suffering for Jesus's sake. So are we suffering for Christ sake? I think part of being a Christian is suffering for Him. And people will notice how we handle ourselves when we are going through trials. Am I being a good example? How I react with a lot of times affect those around us. Can people still see Jesus in me or do they find fault and error? They will also notice we are Christ by how we Love. Do I look at each person as a soul from whom Christ died?
Anyway I sorta feel like I'm getting off topic here. But I do believe that suffering is a big part of being a Christian. And we will be rewarded by God for it too. I had an experience earlier this week that totally made my day or week! Dad and mom are gone this week so I was doing morning milking and there was a guys that was supposed to be coming to pick up a few cows for a sale. Anyway, he came in the barn, I had never meet the guy or seen him before but he comes up and asked me if I was a daughter and I said I was and he gives me a hug and by that time I'm like...uh ok?! Then he proceeds to say that he's been wanting to meet our family for a long time. He said 'I don't know much about you guys but I know we have one thing in common, do you know what that is?' And you know I'm thinking cow talk here, so yeah uh we both have dairy cows?! But before I could respond he says, "we've both got the Lord, we've both got the Lord!!" Totally was not what I was thinking! But WOW, I felt like I could cry for the joy of the Lord at that moment!  And I was like that's awesome that is good, so good!! So finally he introduces himself and we end up having a lengthy spiritual conversation and no I wasn't getting much milkin done! :) But it was worth getting done milking late for that! I really didn't know what to think, after he left, I mean its almost a rare occasion when you meet a fellow dairy farmer who is also a Christian. It almost was like he seemed to be an angel unaware! I mean this trucker guy who comes in, whom I've never met, gives me a huge hug, and we talk like we've known each other for  years! Obviously God knew I needed that talk that day, so assure me that we are not alone, to keep pressing on for Him! And a huge shout-out to my parents who are always wonderful Christian examples to anyone, obviously this guys had seen the light in us and knew we are Christians. Its just reminded me that the things we do or don't do within the dairy and showing industry, that people do and can see the difference and its worth a little suffering to stand up for Christ and what we believe!

So in other news....Mom and Dad have been gone all week and they get back tomorrow so its just us kids at home and if you count Marcus too. :) So we've or maybe I have been trying to hold down the fort. Trying to do extra chores, do school with the kiddos, make food, and do the laundry can be rather exhausting! Amanda is usually home do to supper so that's good, she's a much better cook than me anyways! :) Putting the little kids to bed is the best, 1. because its bed time and I get to sleep and its finally all quite! 2. because its so heart warming (is that a thing?! lol) to hear them say their prayer and read their bible stories! So one night I had put the two lil girls to bed, and since the parents are gone they wanted to sleep on the couches right out side my room, and could here them talking from inside my room. And Larae (she just tuned 4), she was telling Jenna goodnight, and she said a few other things and then she said, "do you f'give me today jenna?" and she did and asked if larae would forgive her as well. I don't know if this is an every night occurrence, but tears filled my eyes with such love for these lil girls. even in their innocence they know what forgiveness is! I was blown away in the moment! I don't know how to really explain my feelings about it, but I can certainly say they little people must watching and listening to us always! I just hope I can be a good example!

I think they are just complete naturals! ha. I'm purty sure they would differ!

Sorry to always blow up the blog with sunsets but i'm seriously in love with them! Dillon, and I we're hauling manure and the sky just kept getting prettier and prettier! :)

And while I was loading him up he took the pleasure in making the bull mad! it was rather humorous. Crazy kid! :)
Thanks for reading! Hope each one has an amazing day! :)
Until next time, Leigha


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