Week 10 | Uganda

Week 10, wow. So much happened and so many places! It hard to believe it was all in one week. I'm even trying to remember everything I did because it seems like so long ago. I think the first part of the week I was working in the irrigation field and planting grass. Then also planted some sweetcorn of my own that my grandpa sent with me from home, and so I am anticipating that coming up. The rainy season has begun this side and so the crops we planted are doing very well. It usually rains at night and we still get ample sunlight during the day for perfect growing conditions for the crops. And also for weeds. Weeds are such a problem here, because they just keep growing. So we have been spraying so much and now that the crops are up we will began to hoe the gardens by hand, which is quite a task.

Just hanging out having dinner of posho and beans with the girls. The power was still out the beginning of the week so we had dinner at school. But oh it sure is nice to have a warm shower and not cook in the dark. 

We had issues charging our electronics for a few days and this didn't seem to work either. 

And then on Wednesday night I went back to Kampala with Ronnie for a few days, and had a much needed small break. But soon realized I missed being in Bukeka. 
But anyways, then on Thursday I went with Ronnie and Ritah down to the south part of the country to visit one of their friends organization. And then we went to the Tanzanian border. Which proved to be a small problem when we got pulled over by the police and I didn't have my passport. 
I only have videos of the drive, but this proves that I did see Tanzania. It was beautiful country and a little more dry and savanna like. It was a long day and close to 4 hours one way. 

Then on Friday Ronnie and I did some more driving and went north this time. And visited his friend who has a dairy farm. Oh the sights and smells of the farm is something I sure miss! 

He had a beautiful farm in a beautiful place! We stayed at his farm for the night and just by chance met a guy who has a farm even more north that we decided to go visit.

He had more of a ranch setup and raised the local Ankole cattle on a huge acreage. This area of Uganda is very hot and dry, with cacti, and literally felt like we were driving into the bush! The ankole cattle are some of the toughest breeds of cattle to withstand the weather. 

And as you can see, they have massive horns. But are calm, docile, beautiful cows. 

This farmer also had a large herd of goats and so whenever he has a visitor, he prepares for them one of his goats. So we had the best goat meat I'd ever had with posho. Sat outside in the middle of nowhere in Uganda, right along the marshy shores of Lake Kyoga and ate goat meat and posho with my fingers. Who knew? For those of you who want some clarification of where we were, the nearest town was where the Rhino sanctuary is and probably an hr drive from Murchison falls National Park. 


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