Kansas sunrise's

Every morning on my way to work I have the privilege to witness the beautiful sunrises God paints in the morning sky, they are simply breath-taking and I've managed to capture a few on my phone...without going in the ditch! :) Its amazing how each morning its so different! From purple to firey orange to bright yellow! I guess I should probably mention that once in a while the clouds do hide it, but usually the sunrises are just gorgeous!!  

'The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handywork.' Psalm 19:1


  1. Kanas eh...:) In the case that I would ever make it out there...we need to watch the sunrise (or set). I am kinda bummed that I don't get to watch the sunrise on my way to work for two reasons: a. it hasn't started to rise yet and b. even if it had started to rise, I drive the opposite direction. Oh well...I soon the days will get longer and I will have the priviledge of watching them in my rear-view mirror! :)


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