past few days

Just to give ya'll a small glimpse of  the last couple days on the farm:)

 The always fun days of picturing cows! actually they really well this time! not really any stubborn ones! But we only did 3 so it was pretty easy! Cant wait to see how they turned out!

 Made fence all around the property, so we could let the heifers out! It's a good thing you get to have the best people, otherwise it gets pretty boring. And your arms gets really sore! (Even then, they still get sore! ahh...yes i'm suffering from sore muscles and blisters! )

Brandon, Jenna, and I have the privilege once a month to go into the nursing home and do 'popcorn'. The kids love it, and the old folks just love it when we come in! we spend nearly all the afternoon making popcorn, talking to the residents and doing things with them!

Well that's all for now, gotta  go milk!!!


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