
 I've been So awed by God lately, I mean He always 'awes' me, but lately He just seems So much more real to me. I'm not really sure why, maybe it's just that I'm growing in my faith more and more and hopefully maturing (ahem*) :). And obviously its my attitude, because God has been, is, and always will be there with me close by.

Or maybe its the amazing pictures He paints in the sky everyday,


Or being home with my family and watching my siblings each grow up (celebrated this girls 4th birthday a few days ago:))

Or watching these two love birds grow closer together in the Lord
Either way He is So Alive and Real and Amazing! And He wants each of us to experience His realness. And wants us to be Real. For His Glory.
I honestly don't know why I'm blogging about this, because me out of all the people don't really know what I'm saying or how to say it let alone know anything about the subject!
One of the definitions of Real in the Webster's dictionary is: 'Having actual existence, and not merely just possible, apparent, or imaginary.' That is what I desire. To be All there, not just trying to put on a show for God or for others to think I'm a good person. I don't just want to go though the motions. But to be fully surrounded by God and His love, and not to look to the right or the left when even though the world around us is a sinful nation and is trying each and every way to pull me into it! And then also to spread the gospel in what ever I do, because people are watching me and sometimes we might be the only thing that people can get a glimpse of Christ through. Actually we are ordered to spread the gospel. Its a commandment from Christ. And He Trusts ME in doing so!! And then I wonder...If He trusts me in spreading the His Word, why is it so hard for me sometimes to trust Him? But God is sovereign He has a plan and purpose for each one to carry out it work. Never under estimate His power or what He can do!
Anyway, that's my thoughts for the day that where from the amazing weekend. I learned so much more about God and His plan and His greatness and love! Sometimes I feel like I could be so full of Christ and His love and when I'm surrounded by His people I think I could about burst with happiness and joy, ect. :) Yes I had an awesome weekend spent in Morris North with some awesome people!! God is awesome!!
Ok, I'll stop rambling, who knows if any of this even makes sense!
Have a happy Monday, ya'll!
Blessings, Leigha


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